Language Works:
Starting this month we are beginning to read weekly readers. Weekly readers are catalogs that we review weekly about a variety of topics. This week we reviewed our first issue titled a long sleep. We talked about animals that sleep the long winter through like dormouse, ladybugs, chipmunks, frogs, ground squirrels, and bears. We also learned that to sleep all winter means to hibernate. Next, we read When it is Night, When it is Day by Jenny Tyler. This is a book about animals who sleep during the day and prowl through the night.
Art Smart:
Today for art we practiced scribbling. Miss. Markeisha have noticed that a lot of friends don't scribble, instead they make lines. Learning to hold a crayon properly and scribbling are all pre writing skills that we have to be able to do before we move on to using a pencil, so we just practiced making our own pictures and coloring. We plan to work at this skill more in depth next week.
Our World:
Today in the pre- school world we were busy building, exploring, and creating thing. We used our child choice board to select interest areas. Martin, Kai, and Christian explored cars, trucks, and plastic blocks in the transportation area. Miss. Markeisha observed as they raced the cars down the ramp, and Martin shared his firer truck with everyone.
Gorman and Rian explored our science area while using magnifying glasses to look at dinosaurs. They made loud roaring noises and pretended they were actual dinosaurs.
Vedant played Freddi Fish 3 on the computer with Sophia. This is a new game. Miss. Markeish observed Sophia and Vedant working together to try and figure out what to do as they played the game. They also showed great cooperation skills and team work skills.
Asya and Sydney were in our home living area pretending to be snow white and Cinderella. They lined up all the babies and named them after the seven dwarfs. They also pretended they were working moms and had to go to the store and work.
This is just a glimpse inside of the pre- school class busy day and social skills learning at their best.
Have a Wonderful Evening
Miss. Markeisha