Posted: Mar 8th, '09, 15:13
Date: 2/23/2009
Theme: Pets: Bird
Teachers' Names: Valerie, Lisa, Nicole
Parent Comments:
Teacher Comments:
Nap Schedule
10:45 – 12:05
2:35 – ?
Language Arts
We Read: Fun with Animals
We sang "Two Little Blackbirds"
Motor Skills
Sydney held a feather
Cognitive/Sensory Stimulation
We looked outside for birds
Theme: Pets: Bird
Teachers' Names: Valerie, Lisa, Nicole
Parent Comments:
Teacher Comments:
Nap Schedule
10:45 – 12:05
2:35 – ?
Language Arts
We Read: Fun with Animals
We sang "Two Little Blackbirds"
Motor Skills
Sydney held a feather
Cognitive/Sensory Stimulation
We looked outside for birds