Weeks 29 & 30 Pictures Posted

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Joined: Jan 27th, '09, 22:00

Weeks 29 & 30 Pictures Posted

Post by mightymulhern »

Two more weeks have come and gone and at long last our long awaited package was delivered. Just what was the package and what did we find when we opened it? Why a 7 month old wee beastie of course. :D

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(...well the box does say "Baby" right on it. ...and she does fit pretty well)

As you can see, our next batch of pictures have been posted. Here's the link to the new album:
http://www.houseofmulhern.com/gallery2/ ... temId=2429

...and as always some of dad's favorites:

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Here we have Sydney eating the letters C and D. We got some foam bath letters that we play with on the floor. ...because every 7 month old needs to learn his/her ABCs. I say the letter and hand it to her. She looks at it and immediately puts it in her mouth for a taste. ...I think we're making real progress.

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Here's a mini-album of things that Sydney has recently put in her mouth.

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And lastly some randoms. Bob trying to take Sydney's beer away. Meghan and Sydney in matching outfits. Sydney in her Exersaucer.

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