A day I never thought would come

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Posts: 71
Joined: Jan 27th, '09, 22:37

A day I never thought would come

Post by Meghan »

I did a week's worth of laundry, and there wasn't one bib in it. Not one. Because Sydney didn't wear any bibs last week. Because she didn't need any bibs.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Sydney has stopped spitting up.

I know I will probably jinx it by posting this, but in the last two weeks, I haven't seen more than 2 or 3 mouthfuls of regurgitated milk come out of that baby. The days of wearing a bib 24/7 seem to finally be at an end. This is a very exciting milestone!

Posts: 53
Joined: Jan 30th, '09, 14:26

Re: A day I never thought would come

Post by Mom&DadMulhern »

Well, I'm very happy that Sydney is no longer spewing her milk. As for the end of bibs? Probably not. Just wait until she starts feeding herself.
It's a whole new level of patience.

Love you!

Posts: 388
Joined: Jan 27th, '09, 22:00

Re: A day I never thought would come

Post by mightymulhern »

Mom&DadMulhern wrote:Just wait until she starts feeding herself.
It's a whole new level of patience.
Thanks for the words of encouragement. ;)

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