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Was I in Mommy's Tummy? / Where was I?

Posted: Jun 14th, '12, 13:33
by mightymulhern
For awhile there, every time we looked at a picture that pre-dated Sydney, she would ask a series of questions:

Was I a baby?

Was I in Mommy's Tummy?

Where was I?

We always changed the subject on the "Where was I?" because how in the world do you explain that to a 3yr old (actually this topic was already coming up when she was 2).

A week or two back, we saw another picture dating before Sydney was conceived. She asked the first 2 questions, to which I responded "no". Then she said, "I wasn't anywhere, gave a shrug, and shook her head a little sadly."

Given the gravity of that conclusion, I'm surprised that she arrived at it without getting upset or asking more questions. I'm proud her for that while at the same time a little saddened that I don't have a better or happier answer to give her.

Re: Was I in Mommy's Tummy? / Where was I?

Posted: Jun 17th, '12, 09:31
by Mom&DadMulhern
Hopefully Sydney just accepted that she wasn't anywhere before she was born, but if it comes up again, there are several standard answers parents typically give: You were in my heart; you were a part of mommy and daddy but just not here yet; or you were in heaven. Sometimes all we can do as parents is just let kids know that mommy and daddy don't know everything. Some questions just don't have answers. In your case, Michael, YOU told US where you were before you were born. You were with another family and had brothers, and lived in a white house with black shutters. Now that was a bit off the wall, but who were we to dispute that?? Reincarnation? Who knows? I'm just glad you finally made it to our household. Take care!