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Week 16 Pics Posted

Posted: Feb 14th, '09, 23:20
by mightymulhern
We've posted our week 16 pictures. Hard to believe that Sydney has been around for 16 weeks. Of course she's slept for much of that.

This set of pictures begins with a "Dream Feed" which is what you call it when you feed a baby without waking said baby up.

Then we have some cute pics of Sydney trying to get this dragon fly toy into her mouth.

After that we have pics of Sydney in a little ping snow suit with ears. Extremely cute.

Rounding out this album are a few pictures of Sydney trying to get her hand in her mouth. ...this seems to be the latest trick. ... temId=1246

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Re: Week 16 Pics Posted

Posted: Feb 15th, '09, 18:05
by Aunt Linda
She just gets cuter by the day. She seems like such a happy little baby. I can tell that you guys are really enjoying being parents.

Re: Week 16 Pics Posted

Posted: Feb 15th, '09, 23:03
by mightymulhern
Aunt Linda wrote:She just gets cuter by the day. She seems like such a happy little baby. I can tell that you guys are really enjoying being parents.
She's does seem to keep getting cuter... and plumper.

Sydney is generally pretty happy. Lots of smiling. Lots of baby talk. Her most recent obsession seems to be playing with her tongue so she's always got a hand in her mouth. She actually gagged herself that way and spit up the other night.

She also has developed this high pitched ear piercing squeal. You can literally hear the pitch shoot up out of the audible range than then come back into it. Dogs are howling down the street. ;) Although happy, Sydney does reserve the right to completely lose her mind at any given point and have a melt down for no particular reason.

Re: Week 16 Pics Posted

Posted: Feb 15th, '09, 23:37
by Aunt Linda
All females reserve that right !!