Pics Posted for Week 20

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Joined: Jan 27th, '09, 22:00

Pics Posted for Week 20

Post by mightymulhern »

Week 20 has come and gone at the House of Mulhern and with that we give you, more Sydney pics.

For all of the darling week 20 pics, go to ... temId=1651

On to the samples...

In this installment, we have Sydney in the bathtub with Meghan. :o "Oh My!"

We also have Sydney in the buggy that keeps being referenced in the "what I did at school" section. Apparently when Meghan picked her up one day last week, the babies had just finished a buggy ride and Sydney was still in the buggy.

We have some precious pictures of Sydney's first attempt at solid food.
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We have Sydney's Blue Octopus.
This is Sydney's favorite toy and the melody of this crazy octopus is stuck in our heads most of the time. In order to hear the songs of the Octopus, click each of the following. Each is a 400 - 600k mp3 that should just play in your web browser. One clip is 45s. The others are about 30s. ... us%201.mp3 ... us%202.mp3 ... us%203.mp3

We have Sydney spending time with the Martins.
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There's a bunch of other cuteness as well like Sydney wrestling an alligator.

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