So the last two nights Sydney was required a 2am feeding and decided it was play time. Getting her back to sleep has been a real chore. Last night in the ongoing saga though, I witnessed something pretty goofy.
It was 2am. I was laying in bed half awake and Sydney starting to make noises - little moans & sighs. Normally if the pacifier falls out of her mouth and she starts waking up she'll make some noise and if you can reinsert the pacifier before she fully wakes up, she'll go right back to sleep. So with that, I got out of bed and went into her bedroom. My first shock was "Where the hell is the baby!"
For some background, we've got some blankets over one end of her mattress so one end is elevated perhaps 5" above the other end. Meghan did this when Sydney had a bad cold because she was choking on her own snot laying flat and trying to sleep. As Sydney has become more flaily, she has had a tendency to rotate 90 degrees and slide down the matress a bit. At the very bottom are a few extra blankets.
So last night I go in there, I'm about half awake, the room is dimly list, and I look to the spot where she is supposed to be. All I see is the blanket she lays on and her pacifier.
Then I notice this motion to my right. Syndey's Chicago White Sox blanket is turned black side up and is wiggling as if it contains (as Meghan puts it) a bag of cats. No part of Syndey is showing but both arms and legs are obviously flailing. Shockingly, she's not screaming her head off. It was only this weekend that she last woke up with blankie-bear (half blanket half teddy bear) laying over her face and freaked out. Somehow though she's completely under this blanket and just making normal wake up sounds. This all goes through my head in about a quarter second along with the thought that she could be suffocating under the blanket so I reach in, grab the blanket, and jerk it up off of her about as fast as could be done. Under the blanket - a totally awake baby very surprised to have the blanket wisked away and her dad standing there. She gave me a huge grin and then started flailing her arms and legs. Doh!
I picked her up and moved her back to her starting position in the crib, put a smaller blanket over her, put the pacifier in ther mouth, and rubbed her tummy. Then I tried to make a quick exit hoping she'd take that as a signal to go back to sleep. Yeah right. Inevitably I shared this whole story with Meghan a few minutes later which had her in stiches and shortly there after Meghan gave Sydney a 2am feeding. ...which was followed by several tummy rubs between 3 and 3:45 to get her to go back to sleep (Sydney, not Meghan).
My other observation from the last couple nights is that Sydney is trying to determine what she wants to be when she grows up. On her list are: Dolphin, Mermaid/Aqua-Girl, an owl, or perhaps a human girl. At present, she clearly has strong aquatic tendencies and appears to speak fluent dolphin. She also does a lot of gurgling/gargling making Aqual-Girl a close second. Behind that I would put an owl as quite a possibility. When she's playing by herself you would think you were outside at dusk with all the whoing. Of course then there is some baby talk that sounds like people talk but that doesn't seem to be leading in this race.